@inproceedings{zhuang2022hf,bibtex_show={true},abbr={ICDM},title={Widening the Time Horizon: Predicting the Long-Term Behavior of Chaotic Systems},author={Zhuang, Yong and Almeida, Matthew and Ding, Wei and Flynn, Patrick D and Islam, Shafiqul and Chen, Ping},booktitle={2022 The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)},year={2022},organization={IEEE},pdf={zhuang2022hf/paper.pdf},slides={zhuang2022hf/slides.pdf},code={https://github.com/Yong-Zhuang/HorizonForcing}}
Mitigating class-boundary label uncertainty to reduce both model bias and variance
@article{zhuang2021mitigating,bibtex_show={true},abbr={TKDD},title={Mitigating class-boundary label uncertainty to reduce both model bias and variance},author={Almeida, Matthew and Zhuang, Yong and Ding, Wei and Crouter, Scott E and Chen, Ping},journal={ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)},volume={15},number={2},pages={1--18},year={2021},publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA},pdf={zhuang2021mitigating/paper.pdf}}
Galaxy: Towards Scalable and Interpretable Explanation on High-Dimensional and Spatio-Temporal Correlated Climate Data
@inproceedings{zhuang2018galaxy,bibtex_show={true},abbr={ICBK},title={Galaxy: Towards Scalable and Interpretable Explanation on High-Dimensional and Spatio-Temporal Correlated Climate Data},author={Zhuang, Yong and Small, David L and Shu, Xin and Yu, Kui and Islam, Shafiqul and Ding, Wei},booktitle={2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK)},pages={146--153},year={2018},organization={IEEE},pdf={zhuang2018galaxy/paper.pdf},slides={zhuang2018galaxy/slides.pdf}}
Crime hot spot forecasting: A recurrent model with spatial and temporal information
Crime is a major social problem in the United States, threatening public safety and disrupting the economy. Understanding patterns in criminal activity allows for the prediction of future high-risk crime "hot spots" and enables police precincts to more effectively allocate officers to prevent or respond to incidents. With the ever-increasing ability of states and organizations to collect and store detailed data tracking crime occurrence, a significant amount of data with spatial and temporal information has been collected. How to use the benefit of massive spatial-temporal information to precisely predict the regional crime rates becomes necessary.
The recurrent neural network model has been widely proven effective for detecting the temporal patterns in a time series. In this study, we propose the Spatio-Temporal neural network (STNN) to precisely forecast crime hot spots with embedding spatial information. We evaluate the model using call-for-service data provided by the Portland, Oregon Police Bureau (PPB) for a 5-year period from March 2012 through the end of December 2016. We show that our STNN model outperforms a number of classical machine learning approaches and some alternative neural network architectures.
@inproceedings{zhuang2017crime,bibtex_show={true},abbr={ICBK},title={Crime hot spot forecasting: A recurrent model with spatial and temporal information},author={Zhuang, Yong and Almeida, Matthew and Morabito, Melissa and Ding, Wei},booktitle={2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK)},pages={143--150},year={2017},organization={IEEE},pdf={zhuang2017crime/paper.pdf},poster={zhuang2017crime/poster.pdf},slides={zhuang2017crime/slides.pdf}}
An evaluation of big data analytics in feature selection for long-lead extreme floods forecasting
@inproceedings{zhuang2016evaluation,bibtex_show={true},abbr={ICNSC},title={An evaluation of big data analytics in feature selection for long-lead extreme floods forecasting},author={Zhuang, Yong and Yu, Kui and Wang, Dawei and Ding, Wei},booktitle={2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control (ICNSC)},pages={1--6},year={2016},organization={IEEE},pdf={zhuang2016evaluation/paper.pdf},slides={zhuang2016evaluation/slides.pdf}}
Long-lead prediction of extreme precipitation cluster via a spatiotemporal convolutional neural network
@inproceedings{zhuang2016long,abbr={CI},bibtex_show={true},title={Long-lead prediction of extreme precipitation cluster via a spatiotemporal convolutional neural network},author={Zhuang, Yong and Ding, Wei},booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI},pdf={zhuang2016stcnn/paper.pdf},year={2016}}